EUROSENSORS School 2023 on “Environment and Health”
Satel­lite event of EUROSENSORS 2023 Con­fer­ence
Sunday, September 10th, Lecce, Italy
at Grand Hotel Tiziano e dei Congressi,


The basic idea of this ini­tia­tive, pro­mot­ed dur­ing the EUROSENSORS XII Con­fer­ence in Southampton and suc­cess­ful­ly imple­ment­ed at fol­low­ing EUROSENSORS Con­fer­ences has its roots in the neces­si­ty of keep­ing alive the deep cul­tur­al aspects of sen­sors, sen­sor sys­tems, transduc­ers, actu­a­tors and microsys­tems. The increas­ing inter­est in the field and the fast technological devel­op­ments could cause us to for­get impor­tant aspects of the sen­sor sci­ence domain and pos­si­bly to over­look impor­tant the­o­ret­i­cal achieve­ments. A sound bal­ance between tech­nol­o­gy and sen­sor the­o­ry that includes of course, sen­sor sci­ence, inter­face elec­tron­ics, etc, should always be sought in order to opti­mize a healthy growth of the knowl­edge in both sen­sor sci­ence and technolo­gy.

Eurosensors School organization and responsibility lies on the local organizing committee, while Prof. Dr. Lina (Pasqualina M.) Sarro (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) has an advisory role. Until his death in 2020, Prof. Dr. Arnaldo D’Amico (Un. of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy) supported Prof. Dr. Sarro as advisor, strongly stimulating young people to participate in Eurosensors schools.

Eurosensors School 2023

Eurosensors School 2023 addresses the Exposome, a new paradigm to study the impact of Environment on Health, that encompasses the totality of human environmental (meaning all non-genetic) exposures from conception onwards, complementing the genome. The modern holistic vision integrates three exposome domains: a) general external (e.g. broader social, economic, psychological factors and climate); b) specific external (e.g. air/water/soil pollution, chemical exposures, occupation, diet, physical activity, tobacco, infections, drugs); c) internal (endogenous factors such as metabolism, gut microflora, inflammation, oxidative stress). Exposome paradigm stimulate more comprehensive exposure assessment in epidemiology studies and offers a new and exciting challenge for Sensors field. Sensors are needed for the measurement of many exposures in the external environment (climate change and environmental monitoring) and a wide range of biological responses in the internal environment. New sensors include geographical mapping and remote sensing technologies, smartphone applications and personal exposure sensors, and high-throughput molecular ‘omics’ techniques, etc…

During Eurosensors School 2023 a survey of studies on the complex link between environment and health as well as examples of new sensors and sensor networks for environment monitoring will be provided. The lectures will be given at a graduate level and they are intended for (but obviously not limited to) PhD students and young researchers in the field, researchers who have recently entered the interdisciplinary field of Sensors and Environmental Epidemiology and for colleagues who want to update their knowledge in these topics.

Eurosensors School 2023 Chair

Dr. Simonetta Capone (Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems, National Research Council (CNR-IMM), Lecce, Italy.